Hi everybody,

I’m using “correlog” in package “ncf” to evaluate spatial autocorrelation of
my data, following these steps:

setwd ("C:/Documents and Settings/…

bio <- read.table("bio3.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")



wow<-correlog(t1$x, t1$y, t1$z, w = NULL, increment=50, resamp =0, latlon =
TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)



By the way, bio3.csv contains:

y , x , z

10.0833333 , -72.7166667 , 81.9975

7.5 , -74.8666667 , 87.971

5.6166667 , -67.15 , 75.4197

5.983333 , -61.433333 , 82.4859

3.85 , -65.666667 , 86.6279

1.4333333 , -65.7833333 , 91.7385

3.65 , -65.7666667 , 87.4672

3.9 , -56.1666667 , 75.5698

8.833333 , -70.533333 , 85.1626

3.5 , -65.7166667 , 88

3.6166667 , -65.6833333 , 87.7646

6 , -62.8833333 , 86.6228

5.7166667 , -65.9 , 77.4138

8.1286111 , -71.4586111 , 81.8428

8.2555556 , -71.7955556 , 79.7814

8.0205556 , -71.7419444 , 82.6087

8.7105556 , -71.4291667 , 81.7585

2.8333333 , -59.5166667 , 81.6372

7.87 , -72.4377778 , 82.7694

4.5833333 , -61.45 , 87.2137

1.5833333 , -58.6333333 , 80.7423

9.2422222 , -70.2230556 , 80.2662

4.416667 , -61.583333 , 86.7048

5.1666667 , -59.466667 , 80.6327

1.5333333 , -58.8333333 , 81.2853

9.9833333 , -72.7166667 , 82.0076

4.6666667 , -59.8166667 , 83.1121

8.3630556 , -71.7722222 , 81.8428

2.8333333 , -58.95 , 80.3623

8.5047222 , -71.395 , 82.6823

6.8663889 , -63.3113889 , 82.8629

3.0402778 , -74.2213889 , 84.0164

5.5833333 , -63.5333333 , 85.9463

3.3833333 , -59.4666667 , 81.25

7.3166667 , -71.95 , 85.3675

9.7977778 , -70.0666667 , 82.8776

6.05 , -67.4166667 , 73.642

0.2 , -74.7666667 , 80.4054

9.099951 , -70.674869 , 82.1181

3.95 , -65.85 , 85.4167

6.5933333 , -62.65 , 83.6207

1.7166667 , -64.5833333 , 91.3717

4.5333333 , -67.5833333 , 78.0534

3.35 , -73.9333333 , 81.8871

6.1 , -74.8 , 92.1254

3 , -59.5166667 , 81.6964

4.85 , -73.2666667 , 80.2596

11.3 , -73.9525 , 82.1721

11.333611 , -74.033611 , 80.9722

2.6427778 , -75.9147222 , 90.9357

1.0091111 , -76.3602722 , 87.1142

6.5 , -66.6666667 , 71.9697

2.8166667 , -59.15 , 80.9942

1.4833333 , -65.7333333 , 92.029

3.1666667 , -65.8166667 , 87.6984

2.9333333 , -59.4833333 , 80.826

where “y” is latitude, “x” is longitude, and “z” is a bioclimatic variable.

I can get the correlograms, however their ranges sometimes (like bio3)
exceed the supposed limits of -1 and 1 of the Moran’s Index.

Can anybody tell me what am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot!


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