Dari email kawan ttg Tawaran scholarship dari Uni Hohenheim Germany, mungkin 
ada yang berminat. 

Food Security Center at the University of Hohenheim offers up to 29 research 
scholarships in 2010
Deadline untuk melamar: 30.01.2010
Food Security Center (FSC) is a newly established university center of
excellence in development collaboration at the University of Hohenheim,
Stuttgart, Germany. FSC is one of five excellence centers of the
program "exceed ? Higher Education Excellence in Development
Cooperation?, which is supported by the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) with funds of the Federal Ministry of Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany. FSC?s mission is to make
effective and innovative scientific contributions in research,
teaching, and policy advice to eradicate hunger and achieve food
security in collaboration with partner Higher Education Institutions in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America and national and international
development and research organizations. Thematically, FSC?s activities
deal with issues of sustainable food availability, food access, food
use, and food utilization. More information is available from
FSC awards up to 29 scholarships for PhD
students and postdoctoral researchers for a period of 4 to 36 months,
starting April 15, 2010. The Center wishes to attract outstanding PhD
students and postdoctoral fellows pursuing a career in academia or
development collaboration. The scholarships aim at increasing their
previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food
security related issues. Furthermore, FSC aims at establishing an
active, long-lasting collaboration with the supported researchers and
their home institutions.
FSC offers three categories of scholarships:
Sandwich scholarships for PhD students (6 months)
Research scholarships for visiting postdoctoral researchers (4 months)
Excellence scholarships for FSC-supported PhD program "Young Excellence School? 
(36 months)
category 1 and 2, FSC scholarships will support researchers from
developing countries to conduct their research either at the University
of Hohenheim (South ? North) or at a national or international research
institute in a developing country, for instance one of the centers of
the CGIAR (South ? South). There are few scholarships for students and
postdoctoral researchers of the University of Hohenheim to visit a
research institute in a developing country (North ? South).
application deadline for all scholarships in category 1 and 2 is
January 30, 2010. Selection is carried out on a competitive basis and
the decisions will be communicated up to March 16, 2010. Regarding the
details of the different scholarships, the application process and the
requirements, please consult FSC?s webpage ( ? go to
"Scholarships?). Please read the information carefully before you
apply. Only complete applications will be considered.
In category 3,
FSC is supporting excellent PhD students to participate in the
FSC-supported PhD program at the University of Hohenheim, mainly
students from developing countries, but few scholarships are as well
provided to students from Germany. The detailed application information
for the scholarships of this category will be posted on FSC?s webpage
end of January 2010; the PhD program will start in August 2010.

46 thn
--- Pada Rab, 20/1/10, andikoGmail <> menulis:

Dari: andikoGmail <>
Judul: Re: [...@ntau-net] Musik Gamad yang Tetap Dicinta
Tanggal: Rabu, 20 Januari, 2010, 6:59 PM

Jo, yo tabayang dek ambo mah, iko bana baralek gadang nan tujuah hari tujuah 
malam bantuaknyo. Kamanakan sialah ko nan talok baralek 7 hari, 7 malam.



Lies Suryadi wrote:
> Salero ambo bana tumah Sanak Heri. Kok dapek disambuang jo rabab Pariaman 
> (rabab galuak). Kok ka gampo-gampo lah ari tu lai..... Kalau akordeon di 
> Eropa lai tadanga juo Da Riri: dimainkan dek troubadour (gipsi) Rumania di 
> taksiun2 kureta. Kadang2 sambia duduak minum kawa awak di kafe di musim 
> paneh, nyo datang mamainkan akordeon. Iyo jauah2 ampia pangana dek e. Musik 
> dalam kafe panuah asok okok tu indau dek den. Jadi, lah tabaliak duya kini: 
> kok pai awak ka Asia, Indonesia khususnyo, sabana moderen urang: hape rancak2 
> santiang2, musik jo pakaian co itu juo. Di nugari Eropah bana lai dapek juo 
> awak maliek nan kuno2...nan sederhana2. Antah...pakau waden....nan ma nan 
> modern...nan ma nan kuno....nan ma nan talampau moderen...nan ma nan 
> kamoderen2an....kacau baliau sadoe...
>  salam,
> suryadi
> --- Pada *Rab, 20/1/10, Tanjuang Heri /<>/* menulis:
>     Dari: Tanjuang Heri <>
>     Judul: Re: [...@ntau-net] Musik Gamad yang Tetap Dicinta
>     Kepada:
>     Tanggal: Rabu, 20 Januari, 2010, 4:22 PM
>     --     .
>     Posting yg
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. 
> <*>
> Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 

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