Sanak Jhon Junisman yth.

Tentang Tahu di nan Ampek, memang suatu panduan hidup dari nenek moyang
Tahun 1999 yl ambo cubo susun dalam bentuk buku dengan judul: Nan Empat,
Dialektika, Logika dan Sistematika alam Terkembang.
Terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Inggris sudah pulo ambo siapkan
Karena dicetak sendiri pemasaran buku tsb. tidak sukses.
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Abraham Ilyas (63 th).

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jhon Junisman

> Assalamualaikum wr wb,
> Di Minang orang sangat simpati dengan ungkapan EMPAT (" LAI TAU JO
> AMPEK?)serta menjadi landasan budaya tolak ukur pergaulan.
> Tapi ini ada nasehat ungkapan sebanyak "empat" semoga Allah SWT meridhoi
> kita semua.
> Four things that make your body sick
> 1. Excessive talking
> 2. Excessive sleeping
> 3. Excessive eating and
> 4. Excessive meeting/outing with people
> Four things that destroys the body
> 1. Worrying
> 2. Sorrow (Sadness/Grief)
> 3. Hunger
> 4. Sleeping late at night
> Four things that make the face looking dull and haggard
> 1. Lying
> 2. Being disrespectful/impudent (knowingly)
> 3. Baseless arguments
> 4. Excessive immorality (committing sins without fear)
> Four things that make the face glow and shine
> 1. Piety
> 2. Loyalty
> 3. Generosity and kindness
> 4. Helpful to others without being asked
> Four things make the Rizqi (Sustenance) stop
> 1. Sleeping till late in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise)
> 2. Not Performing Fardhu or Irregular in Prayers
> 3. Laziness/Idleness
> 4. Treachery/Dishonesty
> Four things that bring/increase the Rizqi
> 1. Staying up in the night in prayers
> 2. Excessive Repentance
> 3. Regular Charity
> 4. Zikr (Remembrance of Allah)
> The Holy Prophet (SAW), also said to communicate to others even if it is
> just One Verse (Ayat), for this one verse will stand out on the Day of
> Judgment for intercession. Allah Hu Alam.
> The Holy Prophet (SAW) said,
> " Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even if you are reading the
> Quran.
> The person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima E
> Shahada on his/her death bed". - be careful, do not make
> this mistake!!!
> Please pass this message to all Muslims... **READ THIS DU'A FOR BETTER
> LIFE**
> Allahumma- inni- ala- Zikr-ika -wa Shuk-rika wa husni-Ibaadatik....Ameen.
> A very powerful Du'a has been sent to you.
> Imagine 1000 persons read it just because of
> you...................Jazakallah. ONLY you will seek goodness from Allah
> SWT.

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