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       *Job #* 071121 *Job Title* Lead ICT Policy Specialist (ICT Policy
Practice Leader) *Job Family* Infrastructure *Location* Washington, DC *
Appointment* International Hire *Job Posted* 25-Jul-2007 *Closing Date*
31-Oct-2007 *Language Requirements* English [Essential] *Appointment Type* Term
(Duration: 2 yrs)  *Background / General description*

NOTE: This vacancy has been extended until October 31st. All those who
have already applied,
please note that shortlisting and interviews will now take place in November.

The Global Information and Communications Technologies (GICT)
Department is a joint department of
the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).  It
includes a World Bank policy
division (CITPO), IFC investment and portfolio divisions, and the
secretariat of the infoDev
donor-funded program.

GICT provides governments, private companies, and non-government
organizations with the capital and
expertise needed to develop and apply information and communication
technologies to reduce poverty
and foster development, including: (a) advising governments on
policies and regulations that
create a positive investment climate for telecommunications, postal
services, and e-applications;
(b) structuring innovative transactions that attract private
investment; (c) providing direct
investment in private sector information and communications
infrastructure, services, and
technology companies; and (d) making grants to innovative projects and
disseminating lessons

CITPO's core work program covers the following thematic areas:
Information and Communications
Technologies (ICT) Policy and Regulation; State-owned Enterprise
Reform; Rural Access, Backbone
Networks and Broadband; Cellular Mobile Telephony; IT-enabled
Industries; IT Industry Development;
and e-Government and Applications. CITPO has a total staff of about
40.  It is the central ICT
anchor unit as well as the sector unit for ICT for each of the Bank's
six regions.

The Lead ICT Policy Specialist (Practice Leader) will lead GICT's
telecommunications policy work
program. In this role, the Practice Leader will provide leadership and
guidance to all GICT staff
working on telecommunications policy, as well as to other practice
leaders assigned to the
following thematic areas: State-owned Enterprise Reform; and Rural
Access, Backbone Networks and

 *Duties and Accountabilities*

The Lead ICT Policy Specialist will be responsible for:

*  Assuring the quality and development impact of the work of the
Global ICT Department of the
World Bank, in the field of telecommunications policies and
development programs.
*  Advising GICT and senior World Bank management on strategic
long-range policy issues and
priorities relating to the Bank's role in supporting ICT development
in client countries in order
to optimize development impact.
*  Providing leadership and guidance to other practice leaders,
regional co-ordinators, task
managers, and senior staff with respect to the staffing of task teams,
approaches to policy and
operational issues, and delivery of GICT's global telecommunications
policy work program.
*  Mentoring staff to develop and enhance the capability of GICT's
telecommunications thematic
practice teams.
*  Leading ground-breaking missions and playing a key role in
developing innovative practical
approaches to difficult policy and operational issues for selected high priority
telecommunications activities in cases of regional activities or major
development impact.
*  Leading policy dialogue with senior officials of client countries.
*  Serving as a focal point or spokesperson for the GICT Department on
sector issues to clients and
other external constituencies.
*  Leading co-ordination with infoDev's Access-for-all program of work.
*  Leading co-ordination of the World Bank's work with the
International Telecommunication Union
and, in collaboration with GICT's regional co-ordinators, the liaison
with regional
inter-governmental telecommunications organizations.
*  Influencing the design and execution of major policy and/or
research initiatives and advising on
priorities for GICT's Analytical Work Program and use of other funding sources.
*  Providing technical and strategic expertise on the design of the
overall legal, regulatory and
institutional framework for the development of telecommunications
sectors in client countries.
*  Providing technical expertise on a range of ICT policy and
regulatory issues to promote
competition and investment and to protect the public interest
including licensing, network
interconnection including termination charges, options for price
regulation, and regulatory
treatment of new technologies and services such as voice-over-Internet.
*  Advising on practices and procedural rules for ICT regulatory
agencies such as use of
consultation mechanisms prior to publication of recommendations and
decisions, and dispute
resolution mechanisms.
*  Advising on strategies for private participation and competition in
the ICT sectors, including
licensing, concessions, tenders, outsourcing, public-private
partnerships, and privatization.
*  Advising on the development of the information society, including
regulatory dimensions of
*  Contributing to the integration of the various components of ICT
(including policies promoting
convergence) as well as the integration of ICT in the broader
development agenda.
*  Participating as ICT policy and regulatory expert in Bank teams
working on a variety of
*  Preparing and supervising publication of best practice notes and
reports on regulation in the
ICT sectors for GICT or for infoDev.
*  Developing methods to monitor regulatory performance.
*  Reviewing the quality of World Bank Group approaches to ICT regulation.
*  Organizing and delivering internal and external training programs
in the above areas.
*  Liaising with colleagues working in other sectors (including
energy, water, transport, financial
services, and private sector advisory services) on regulatory matters
and playing a leadership
role in regulatory fora.
*  Advising the other parts of the GICT, including the IFC investment
divisions and InfoDev, on ICT
policy and regulatory issues.

 *Selection Criteria*

The Lead ICT Policy Specialist will have.

*  Graduate degree in a relevant field (public policy, law,
information systems or technology, ICT,
engineering, economics or related field) plus 15 years of directly
related Bank and/or external
experience, or PhD and in a relevant discipline plus 12 years of
directly related experience.
*  Demonstrated intellectual leadership and ability to think
strategically about the role of ICT in
other sectors and (more generally) the economy, as well as interface
between telecom policy and
ICT4D, and ability to integrate sector-specific knowledge with broader
operational strategies and
*  Recognition as an expert in the field as evidenced by a track
record at the Bank or in the
private sector
*  Substantial experience in leading high-level professional teams.
*  Substantial experience and expertise in policy and regulatory
issues in the ICT sector,
including the e-agenda, and practices and procedural rules for ICT
regulatory agencies.
*  Excellent analytical skills.
*  Experience in monitoring and evaluation of ICT sector.
*  Commitment to and track record in innovation, with strong sense of
*  Proven ability to deliver complex projects and activities on time
and within budget.
*  Ability to deal with complex technological issues in a non-technical manner.
*  Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English.
*  Excellent command of information resources and information technology.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of
gender, nationality, culture
and educational background.  Individuals with disabilities are equally
encouraged to apply.  All
applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Website: http://www.rantaunet.org
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