[ Late reply ].
Te rog sa updatezi si pagina Wiki de pe ROFUG (pe care tot tu ai
creat-o :) ):
Adrian Penisoara
Ady (@rofug.ro)
On 20.02.2006, at 6:16 AM, Cornel Ilie wrote:
Salutari listei,
Am reusit terminarea traducerii pentru capitolele:
*multimedia* si *desktop*.
Conform traditiei, trec la urmatoarele doua:
*serialcomms* si *ppp-and-slip*.
Toate cele bune,
starea traducerii FreeBSD Handbook
01 introduction terminat
02 install terminat
03 basics terminat
04 portsterminat
05 config terminat
06 boot terminat
07 usersterminat
08 kernelconfig terminat
09 security terminat
10 printing terminat
11 disksterminat
12 vinumterminat
13 x11 terminat
14 l10n terminat
15 multimedia terminat
16 desktop terminat
*17* serialcomms in lucru
*18* ppp-and-slip in lucru
19 advanced-networking voluntar?
20 network-servers terminat
21 mail voluntar?
22 cutting-edge voluntar?
23 linuxemu terminat
24 mirrors voluntar?
25 bibliography voluntar?
26 eresources voluntar?
27 pgpkeys voluntar?
28 indexvoluntar?
29 freebsd-glossary voluntar?
30 mac terminat
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