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From: PrioriMail Infoeuropa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 23, 2006 4:25 PM
Subject: EP: Financial Perspective 2007-2013: no agreement for the budget yet
To: Lucian Branea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- News

EP: Financial Perspective 2007-2013: no agreement for the budget yet
Description: Important progress was made at the third trialogue on the financial perspective on Tuesday but two key issues remain: the total figure for the budget for 2007-2013 and the level of funding for the flexibility instrument. A fourth meeting, which should be decisive, is scheduled for 4 April in Strasbourg.

For the full text of the press release, available in Romanian and English, please download the document below.
News date: March 22nd, 2006
Full information: EP: Financial Perspective 2007-2013: no agreement for the budget yet_RO_EN
Source: European Parliament

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