See if I qualify:

courses.collect {|c| c.code}.join(",")

John Small wrote:
> I have a model, Account, with many Courses. I want to display the course
> codes for those courses as comma delimited text in an attribute of the
> account. So I would have
> Account << ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :courses
> def get_course_codes_as_text
>   courses.each {|course| something something but I don't know what
> end
> Now I could do it the hard way by setting up a string var and pumping
> stuff into it inside the block. But there's an easier Rubyesque way to
> do this which I've seen in code elsewhere but I can't find the code now
> so I thought I'd ask here. Something to do with join or map or something
> John Small

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