shaper wrote:
> shaper wrote:
>> And using Firebug to look at the javascript that's returned, I get
>> this:
>>       map.setCenter(#<Ym4r::GmPlugin::GLatLng:0xb7530778>,12);
>> which makes it pretty clear that the GLatLng object is having to_s
>> called on it rather than the ym4r's MappingObject.to_javascript method.
>>  I'm still debugging but thought perhaps others have hit this issue.
>> As far as I can tell this is exactly how both tutorials walk through
>> doing this, so I'm not sure what's going on.
> Solution: don't have both the ym4r_gm and ym4r_mapstraction plugins
> installed in the same app at the same time.  Removing the mapstraction
> plugin fixes the problem.  It appears there is an ambiguous reference
> to the MappingObject, which resides in mapping.rb in both plugins.
> Insidious and evil.  Foolish me for having both installed as I toyed
> about.  May others learn from my mistake.
> - Walter

Thank you for posting this! I've been struggling with the same 
problem…now on to the next one! :P
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