“If smart people all had Ph.D.’s we would not have light bulbs.” –
Martin Musatov speaking on American Entrepeneur and Innovator Thomas

Preface: “Computational Complexity”

So much of what I have seen since I have began studying computational
complexity simply amazes me. I have come from an outsiders perspective
peering into this vast new world where obvious things hide themselves
and complex things take center stage to be studied like pellets of
sand beneath a microscope. I will say this one thing: I have never
been treated with more disdain in an academic setting. I have had
M.I.T. Assistant Professor Scott Aaronson threaten to contact my
Internet Service Provider and call me a “goon” for disproving his
theorem publicly. I have been called a “troll” and “couch boy” the
latter I have no idea what the colloquial means. I have had my I.P.
address blocked from contributing to Wikipedia and have been sent
threatening emails from Wikipedia administrators saying, “Wikipedia
doesn’t need you.” Since I began pursuing my proof of computational
complexity my Wikipedia profile for my work as a screenwriter (which
had remained untouched for the better part of three years) was
immediately flagged as “non-notable” and deleted. And all because the
mathematics and code I was inputting was too advanced for wiki
language to swallow without causing system problems and offending
apparently some very sensitive people.  And all over a tiny little
problem in theoretical computer science called P=NP.

Basically, as the case may certainly be there seem to be a lot of
people out there absolutely insistent that “P” does not equal “NP”.
But I have to wonder, if it is only theory we are debating here, what
is so vested by this people that they defend an insistent of an
impossibility as if it were the holy grail? It just does not make
sense to me. I will say this, especially, it does not make sense to
argue that something such as P equals NP has to be impossible. If it
were true there are well documented published articles such as this
one in the Boston Globe (http://www.boston.com/news/science/articles/
2009/02/09/great_unknowns/) which blatantly list all the potential
benefits we might experience if the scientific community would accept
P=NP. The list includes advances in “Protein Folding” which could spur
unprecedented growth and advances in biological research which may
well include cures for diseases like cancer and H.I.V. So dare I say,
why are noted professors at top universities such as Scott Aaronson at
M.I.T. and Stephen Arthur Cook at the University of Toronto so
insistent of its impossibility? What could be so motivating as one
would defend such a contrary position to which being contrariety holds
no obvious benefit for society at large. The elephant in the room
seems to be that this argument has been raging and churning for years
ever since Stephen Cook invented the class “NP-Complete” back in 1970.

My goal, my dream, in pursuing a proof that P=NP was not to win a
million dollars and notoriety, but to help the people in the world use
the technology to better take care of themselves and their families.
My goals personally are to help my young niece who just had an implant
put in her ear so she could hear better and to spur advances in cancer
research as my uncle and Godfather Michael Schultz was in the last
month diagnosed with kidney and bone cancer. So still, I continue on,
every morning pursuing the solution despite the animosity and

My dreams are simply bigger than theirs. My dreams are not to predict
the S&P 500 and compromise the security of banks by collapsing known
elements of cryptography. My dreams are that a young researcher in
Tibet working by himself may uncover a cure for cancer that no one had
seen. My goal is that a hobby mechanic in rural Russia with access to
the Internet will invent a hybrid computer driven engine which will
best all the struggling automakers who we continue to float
financially like giant sick whales out to sea. My dream is that the
academic community would allow openaccess to citizens at large and not
simply the ones who can afford the prestigious school tuition. The
basis of my plea: history has shown it to be the best path.

With only three months of formal education he became one of the
greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. Edison obtained
1,093 United States patents, the most issued to any individual.

Call this my prayer or call it my plea it is my cry to the scientific
community and to God in heaven can we please work together here and
accomplish some good in the world instead of warbled disagreement? My
last thought is to ask yourself why would anyone insist on the
absolute impossibility of something that could bring so much good to
the world?

Quotes by Thomas Edison:

“Hell, there are no rules here we’re trying to accomplish something.”

“I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten
thousand times, materials and combination which wouldn’t work.”

“I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of
the service it might give others.”

“I am more of a sponge than an inventor. I absorb ideas from every
source. My principal business is giving commercial value to the
brilliant but misdirected ideas of others.”

“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the one
thing that he can’t afford to lose.”

“I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent

“I have more respect for the fellow with a single idea who gets there
than for the fellow with a thousand ideas who does nothing.”

Thank you for reading this letter.  If you have any comments or
suggestions please feel free to contact me through the publisher.

Warmest regards,
Martin Michael Musatov

Note to Editor: You have to wonder with stories like these, could
there be something more to this whole element that as to yet remains

Canadians find network… (AP News)

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