Dear Sage devels, dear Robert,

>From #sage-devel:
00:54 < hivert> So one more day lost because of this #(&$%#^%$^*%#$ bug !!! I'm 
heading to bed.
00:55 < hivert> I'm wondering when I'll manage to add something interresting to 
sage ! Right now I'm spending my time cleaning things and recompiling sage !!!
00:55 < hivert> It's *very* frustrating !

I must say that I was in the same state when working on the core of
the category stuff. There are two issues there. One is about the build
and test system for which Florent already sent an e-mail.

The other issue is about coercion. When working on low level stuff
like categories, it often happens that you break something during the
sage initialization, and in particular when the coercions between the
basic parents (ZZ, QQ, QQbar, ...) are being setup.

The problem is that a lot of code is imported and executed during
coercion resolutions, and within try ... catch. This leads to nasty
crashes, without proper stack trace pointing to the problem, even in
cases where it was a trivial SyntaxError in one of the imported
files. Sometimes this ends up in a state where it's not even possible
to start coercion_traceback().

Would it be possible to reduce the exception catching to a strict
minimum, making sure that all errors that are unrelated to a normal
conversion failure are not catched?

Or even: does this exception handling play any role upon startup? In
principle things should be in a fairly sane and predictible state so
that one could possible avoid all guess work. If yes, one could simply
completely disable exception catching until the initialization is

This issue by itself has readily wasted by accumulation at least one
if not two good weeks of developer time, so urgent help would be
really appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance!

Best regards,
Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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