Dear Dan Drake, dear all,

For our upcoming French Sage book, I just added a new sageexample
environment for sagetex which allows for:

  sage: 1+1
  sage: x^3

with the outputs being typeset in latex from the Sage's output. The
(ultimate) goal is to allow for straightforward copy paste of pieces
of sage doctests into one's latex document. At the same time, this
environment offers some semi-automatic support for doctesting the
examples (the text output can be tested automatically; there remains
to compare visually the text and latex outputs).

For a more complete description, see the pdf attached to (the sources of which
are included in the patch to the sagetex spkg posted there).

Feedback welcome!

Honestly, I won't have much time to work further on this. Dan, may I
leave you with the polishing? An expert on that kind of code can
probably make it more robust. Also, the documentation needs to be
incorporated into the rest. Maybe the most important for us would be
to get a timeline for when an updated sagetex spkg could be made
available, since we will need that feature shortly, and it is not that
easy to share without the spkg.

Thanks much in advance!

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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