> The very first thing I tried was "show(2/3* x^(3/2 + pi))".  On sagenb.org 
> with jsmath it
> looks amazing -- just like pdflatex output.  On test.sagenb.org it
> looks horrible to my eye -- definitely nowhere close to tex or even
> jsmath.

I don't know if this helps, but the visual horribleness is coming from
the fact that everything in the MathJax examples are getting
italicized (or maybe slanted) and the stuff that should be in italics
(like variable names) is getting over italicized.  For instance, look
at the numerals in the factions of the first example.   Actually,
looking more closely, I think what's happening is that it's using a
slanted font for everything instead of the italic font when
appropriate (compare the variable "x" in the two examples; in MathJax
I think it's a slanted "x" instead of an italic one.  Unfortunately, I
don't have any idea what's causing it, though, since everything looks
good to me on Chrome running on OS X Leopard.


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