Hi, thx, but the correct URL is http://sagenb.org/home/pub/298/


On Mar 8, 10:37 pm, "ma...@mendelu.cz" <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
> Dear readers of this group, I wrote a simple sagelet which describes
> approximation of a function in two variabels using differential. The
> sagelet is published athttp://www.sagenb.org/home/pub/298/
> I hope, somebody finds it useful in her/his courses.
> Any suggestions are welcomed.
> Robert Marik
> ---------------
> code:
> x,y=var('x y')
> html('<h2>Explaining approximation of a function in two \
> variables by differential</h2>')
> html('Points x0 and y0 are values where the exact value of the
> function \
> is known. Deltax and Deltay are displacements of the new point. Exact
> value \
> and approximation by differential at shifted point are compared.')
> @interact
> def _(func=input_box('sqrt(x^3+y^3)',label="f(x,y)=",type=str), x0=1,
> y0=2, \
>  deltax=slider(-1,1,0.01,0.2),\
>  deltay=slider(-1,1,0.01,-0.4), xmin=0, xmax=2, ymin=0, ymax=3):
>  f=sage_eval('lambda x,y: ' + func)
>  derx(x,y)=diff(f(x,y),x)
>  dery(x,y)=diff(f(x,y),y)
>  tangent(x,y)=f(x0,y0)+derx(x0,y0)*(x-x0)+dery(x0,y0)*(y-y0)
>  A=plot3d(f(x,y),(x,xmin,xmax),(y,ymin,ymax),opacity=0.5)
>  B=plot3d(tangent(x,y),(x,xmin,xmax),
> (y,ymin,ymax),color='red',opacity=0.5)
>  C=point3d((x0,y0,f(x0,y0)),rgbcolor='blue',size=9)
>  CC=point3d((x0+deltax,y0+deltay,f
> (x0+deltax,y0+deltay)),rgbcolor='blue',size=9)
>  D=point3d((x0+deltax,y0+deltay,tangent
> (x0+deltax,y0+deltay)),rgbcolor='red',size=9)
>  exact_value_ori=f(x0,y0).n(digits=10)
>  exact_value=f(x0+deltax,y0+deltay)
>  approx_value=tangent(x0+deltax,y0+deltay).n(digits=10)
>  abs_error=(abs(exact_value-approx_value))
>  html(r'Function $ f(x,y)=%s \approx %s $ '%(latex(f(x,y)),latex
> (tangent(x,y))))
>  html(r' $f %s = %s$'%(latex((x0,y0)),latex(exact_value_ori)))
>  html(r'Shifted point $%s$'%latex(((x0+deltax),(y0+deltay))))
>  html(r'Value of the function in shifted point is $%s$'%f
> (x0+deltax,y0+deltay))
>  html(r'Value on the tangent plane in shifted point is $%s$'%latex
> (approx_value))
>  html(r'Error is $%s$'%latex(abs_error))
>  show(A+B+C+CC+D)

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