Hello folks,

Sage 3.3 is out and upgrading via the main Sage server is live. It
seems that we are having some trouble with some stale pynac libs on
upgrade from some releases, so please let us know if you are hit by
that. We are tracking the problem at #5333 and there should be an
updated spkg in the near future.

Now that 3.3 is done with a record 384 closed tickets (compared to the
previous record holder at 252 tickets!) the time has come to turn our
attention to the 3.4 release which will focus on two major features:

 * The ReST transition [finally :)]
 * Merging Jon Hanke's quadratic forms library code into the main Sage

Jon's code will play a central role at SD 13 starting less than a week
from now, so as you can guess this very much constraints us for the
amount of time we can spend merging. And after the rather long (nearly
6 week) release cycle for Sage 3.3 this seems like the much needed
pace again.

After Sage 3.4 there ought to be two more point releases:

 * Sage 3.4.1 to merge code from the coding sprint as well as fix
likely documentation issues as well as the usual set of bugs. This
release ought to be out two or three days after the end of SD 13.
 * Sage 3.4.2 to do additional bug fixes as well as get ready for the
Arizona Winterschool 2009 which takes place during the middle of

Since we want a nice and stable Sage release for the AWS we will most
likely attempt to avoid invasive patches, but in the past that hasn't
really stopped us :)

The ReST transition is a massive set of diffs totaling about 20 MB in
size, so we do need your help to review the patches in a timely
fashion. All of them are at the 3.4 milestone


and are awaiting review. I will personally spend much of the next two
days reading every unreviewed patch and I am hoping that you will help
out to get everything reviewed in time. Given the size of the diff and
the amount of time for the review this will likely introduce bugs into
the documentation. But the costs of carrying this patch forward is
getting larger and larger as time drags on and we cannot put
development on hold for a couple weeks, so this merge will cause short
term pain, but long term gain.



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