Currently the latex methods for ZZ, RR, etc. all used mathbf -- plain
boldface -- rather than mathbb -- 'blackboard' bold. See also the (not
currently in use) file SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/doc/common/macros.tex:
lots of mathbf, no mathbb.

Is this an official style choice for Sage, or did it just
spontaneously occur?

What do you think of this choice?  (I happen to prefer mathbf.)

Would it be worthwhile to have it user-customizable somehow?  We could
have a command \sagebold or \ring or something, which might be \mathbf
by default, but if you set a variable or call a function, it would
change to \mathbb.  (I am willing to implement this, but are there
similar configurable options in Sage on which I could model it?)


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