i have some questions and suggestion on the RestructuredText. I am a
ReST-newbie and so maybe these things have been discussed before.

 * In one of my files i have a line "power_series = series". This
produces the full docstring of series to appear twice in the
documentation, once under series and once under power_series. How can
I exclude the alias ?

 * Generally I am very happy with the outputs of the documentation
using sphinx. But there are some improvement that one could think
about. For instance I think there are too many different fonts used,
that is a bit ugly. More importantly I think that the examples and the
warnings are more emphasized than the actual command that is
documented. Also the commands and not well-seperated. To someone who
is not used, this might look confusing. Of course, I have absolutely
no idea if this can be changed or not.

 * The docstrings become much longer now that we have to add
additional empty lines. This is not very nice when using foo? or tab-
completion in the notebook. Also the `` `` are annoying there. Is it
not possible that the printing of the docstring there is simplified ?

 * Where do we put references to books and articles ? Within the
function or the header of the file ? With [XY]_ ?

 * Accents again. I know that we should not put them in the py-files.
Could we have a predefined |eacute| maybe ?

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