| SAGE Version 3.1.2, Release Date: 2008-09-19                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: K.<a> = CyclotomicField(23)
sage: K.class_number()

   ***   Warning: large Minkowski bound: certification will be VERY  
PariError                                 Traceback (most recent call  

/home/dmharvey/<ipython console> in <module>()

number_field.py in class_number(self, proof)
    2068         """
    2069         proof = proof_flag(proof)
-> 2070         return self.class_group(proof).order()
    2072     def composite_fields(self, other, names=None):

number_field.py in class_group(self, proof, names)
    2038         except AttributeError:
    2039             self.__class_group = {}
-> 2040         k = self.pari_bnf(proof)
    2041         cycle_structure = eval(str(k.getattr('clgp.cyc')))

number_field.py in pari_bnf(self, certify, units)
    1901         try:
    1902             if certify:
-> 1903                 self.pari_bnf_certify()
    1904             return self.__pari_bnf
    1905         except AttributeError:

number_field.py in pari_bnf_certify(self)
    1934             raise TypeError, "Unable to coerce number field  
defined by non-integral polynomial to PARI."
    1935         if not self.__pari_bnf_certified:
-> 1936             if self.pari_bnf(certify=False,  
units=True).bnfcertify() != 1:
    1937                 raise ValueError, "The result is not correct  
according to bnfcertify"
    1938             self.__pari_bnf_certified = True

/home/dmharvey/gen.pyx in sage.libs.pari.gen._pari_trap (sage/libs/ 

PariError: not enough precomputed primes, need primelimit ~  (35)


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