So there are these buttons at the top of my worksheets saying "Save",
"Save & quit", "Discard & quit".  What do they do?  Do we need them?
Random comments:

It seems to me that right now, "Save & quit" and "Discard & quit" do
the same thing: return to the list of active worksheets. For example,
I just opened a worksheet, made a tiny little change and hit "Discard
& quit".  When I reopened the worksheet, the change was visible -- it
hadn't been discarded. So is there any actual difference between the
two? Should there be? If not, they should be consolidated into one
button: "Quit worksheet" or "Close worksheet".

If we *do* want those buttons to have different behaviors, then here's
an idea: when you open a worksheet, you should actually be working on
copy of it, and the original one shouldn't be changed until you hit
"Save" or "Save & quit".  If you hit "Discard", then the copy is
thrown away.  Before you hit any of those buttons, the copy should be
on the list of active worksheets (in case there is a crash or
something like that).

Finally, whether those buttons do the same thing or not, their
behavior should also be changed as follows: if the list of worksheets
is already open in another tab or window (likely to be the case with
3.4.1.rc1, for example), then clicking those buttons saves or discards
as necessary, then just closes the current tab/window, and perhaps
selects (and refreshes?) the window containing the list of worksheets
-- it shouldn't keep the current tab/window open displaying a second
copy of the list of worksheets.


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