On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 05:41:54AM -0800, Stanford wrote:
> How secure is HTTPS?? The question being discussed is:
> Should people's private information (medical,
> prescription, banking, etc.) be sent over HTTPS or
> should a VPN be involved with HTTPS? I always follow
> the practice of better to have more than not enough. I
> am currently using VPN with HTTPS. I know most, if not
> all, banking is done over HTTPS, but what about
> people's medical history and stuff like that? Is HTTPS
> really secure enough??
> Just thought I'd find out what the concensus is on
> this matter!!

I think you are asking the wrong questions, or rather,
based on what you are asking you may be neglecting the
parts of a "secure" system that tend to break in practice.

My first recommendation is to read _Security Engineering_
by Ross Anderson <www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/book.html>,
I really, really wish more people read this book. Sample 
chapters are available online, but I urge everone building 
systems to order it now and read the sample chapters 
while you are waiting for it to be delivered.

HTTPS is really HTTP over SSL/TLS. SSL v.3 and TLS are
acceptable security protocols. Of course if the client-server
pair negotiate ENULL (no encryption) then the data is sent
in plaintext. 

Whether that is a risk depends on the sort of environment you
are dealing with, it was not clear to me whether you wanted
to use HTTPS/SSL as a network transport in your application 
software level, as a tunnel (e.g. stunnel), or if you were
referring to web browser client software (e.g. MSIE, Netscape).
A very good SSL/TLS toolkit is available from OpenSSL.org.

HTTPS/SSL is not my preference for a VPN if you are dealing with
a lot of data or complex authenication requirements, then 
solutions using IPSec and other "true" VPN solutions[1] might
scale better.

I suggest you read some google archives of comp.society.privacy and
RISKS <http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks> about common / stupid 
weaknesses in web based applications including banking and medical
information. Poor user authenication "bootstraping" or deployment
is a far greater risk in most real world deployments.

I hope that answers your questions at least somewhat.

-M Taylor

1] Why TCP Over TCP Is A Bad Idea (PPP over SSH)

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