Bryan E. Glancey wrote:
> I have to say I disagree with the previous posting that Biometrics are
> not ready for prime time.
>   We, in the United States, have been all too slow in the adoption of
> security procedures and privacy policy. The unfortunate events that have
> befallen our country have merely awakened concerns to where they should
> be.
>       I have visited a large portion of the Fortune 500 over my career
> and I and consistently amazed by the neglect of information security in
> common business planning.
Excuse moi Brian, but while I agree with you security procedures adoption
has been too slow in the US (and Europe as well ...), I don't see how
it relates automatically to the adoption of biometrics. We lack a 
logical connection between the two, here.

Security is firstly a matter of policy, processes, and organization. 
Technology can be any technology as long as it helps to reach the goals.

Personally, I still see too many limitations in the large scale 
adoption of biometrics, both technical and socio/political (it may 
very well be that I am biased since in Italy we have one of the most,
if not the most, strict privacy law).

Alessandro Bottonelli
Owner of

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