I've been fooling with the SMTP binding over the past few days, Arvind. Net
result is that it's raw, probably more of a proof of concept than anything.
For example, javadoc is scant, documentation is sometimes inaccurate, when you
send a message your thread blocks for the response from the pop3
Ok, yeah, the full workaround is to get the IBM developerworks pop3.jar and
smtp.jar via
- Lucas
Hi Tom,
> I'm puzzled.
>(a) the pop3.jar I have, dated June 4th, does seem to have such
> a class in it. (just use grep, or ^F on the windows dir containing
> the jar, to search for the actual string
> com/ibm/network/mail/pop3/event/MessageListener
> because that's in the jar, uncompres
ve mail.jar and pop3.jar in your classpath?
> --Richard
> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Lucas Gonze wrote:
> > Using soap-2_2/lib/soap.jar and invoking SMTP2HTTPBridge, I get the
> following
> > error:
> > java -classpath C:/src/mandingo/lib/s
com.ibm.network.mail.pop3.event.MessageListener has
been renamed into the org.apache hierarchy.
Thoughts, workarounds, suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
- Lucas Gonze