I  *and my Volz Powered Pike Superior) was killing them all day (actually it was my flying teammate Andrew who carried us thru the first rounds!), but after about 20 rounds of a very complicated but extremely intriging format, it was John Luetke of HKM USA with a Sharon X tail who pushed ahead.
Coming in a third was a new Kennedy Composites Graphite, in the hands of 25 year old jet pilot/instructor, total DS freak and the star of the Blaster DLG Video, Austin-tactiious.
Weather was sweet.  It got to 75 with top gusts of about 12mph. The lift was extremely challenging. 
Dallas is one of my favorite soaring sites because all the pilots are high caliber and are well practiced.  Henry B is a tough CD, but he keeps things moving and doesn't mind having some fun.  Winches cooperated with only a couple of line breaks all day....mostly when a boomer fast moving thermal would grab a plane.
John and I finished our Blasters last nite (he actually put his together after not having slept for 24hours!  But when I got there and started finishing my Blaster in his workshop, he started his and we didn't quit till 3am!
They are worth the effort!  We flew them today and they are extremely smooth in all parts of the flight.  No vearing off to one side or the other on launch, and the camber settings put them in a smooth float.  Roll rate is rediculous for a thermal plane and their huge full span flaperons bring the speed down to a no stall approach.
Nothing 'wrong' with a bagged DLG, but you can definitely 'feel' the value of a molded wing in the case of the Blaster.
What about my LSF status?  LSF3 is only ONE contest away!  Eat your hearts out guys.  Get off your butts and get your tasks done, we ain't getting any younger!

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