This is from Rocketry Online

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Joins Cause
March 3, 2003
Web posted at: 2:23 PM EST

(ROL Newswire) -- The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) has contacted Mark Bundick (NAR President) and Dick Embry (TRA President) with concerns over the impact of the Homeland Security Act (HSA). Recognizing we have common concerns, the AMA agreed with Dick Embry this morning to support the cause. AMA will instruct its 175,000 members to join our efforts to contact Senators to support Senator Enzi's effort to draft legislation to protect our hobby. The Tripoli Rocketry Association will also support any campaign to protect powered model aircraft from the negative effects of the HSA.

Please visit the website <> and do what you can. Our recent efforts at lobbying for Torrey Pines shows that we can make a difference.

Even if you are not involved with Rockets your help may benefit children who would not otherwise be exposed to this interesting science.

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