We share the 72 MHz band.
Those frequencies are approved for use by FCC.
Go to page 186. NG-49

At 12:24 PM 6/10/2004, Doug McLaren wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 03:35:20PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| A new cell tower is going to be placed at the end of our field, my
| guess is that it is not a problem because of the frequency range the
| cell phones work at but just checking if one of you is a technical
| expert on the subject.

Well, most cell phones work far away from the 72 mhz band that most of
us use.  However, there is the possiblity of a very strong signal
desensing your receiver so that it can't pick up your transmitter.

(A bit more on desense is here --

It's also possible that the tower won't just do cell phones but pagers
as well.  Here in Austin Texas, there are pretty strong and
intermittent data transmissions at 72.660 mhz, 72.860 mhz ad 72.960
mhz, detectable all over town.  I don't know what the source is, but
it's presumably pager transmissions.  If I get ambitious, I may try to
make a 72 mhz band Yagi antenna and see if I can determine exactly
where the signals are coming from, but I've got enough projects
already so I don't know if I'll ever do that.

In any event, if there is a transmitter on that tower that works in
the 72 mhz band, it'll almost certainly make the use of the channels
adjacent to it's frequency very dangerous at best, and it would most
likely reduce the range of any radios not that close to it's specific
frequencies.  If it only does stuff at cell phone frequencies, then
you won't have nearly as much to worry about, but there is still the
possibility of it causing problems for planes that get too close to
it.  (Of course, flying *into* it's bad too.)

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