Rich Beardsley has organized a one day cross country contest this Saturday (5/27) at the SVSS field. He calls it a "Montague Tune Up". The pilot's meeting is scheduled for 9:00AM. The task is distance. All planes on the ground at 3:00PM. No entry fees, no trophies just a whole lot of fun. The forecast calls for mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 70's. You couldn't ask for a better forecast for cross country.

The brand new RnR Cross Country plane, the MXC will make it's maiden appearance this Saturday. There may be as many as three of these new high performance ships entered in Saturday's event. Dean Gradwell (Mr. Montague) will bring his. It's rumored that Rich Spicer and Richard Tiltman, the Rs in RnR will also be flying their new XMCs.
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