Barry Baskin wrote:

> Any forum like this will have it's share of people expressing
> unpopular views and even tasteless idiocy. That is what I use the delete
> button for.

I used to feel the same way, but .... (see below)

> I am concerned that any vendor would take the remarks of a few to
> represent something mainstream, hopefully they do not all do so and realize
> that most of us appreciate their efforts.

Unfortunately, Sal's departure brought to mind the old adage about "all it takes for 
evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
and while it certainly seemed to me at the time that no defense of Sal or anybody else 
was required, and in fact it seemed like it
would just draw even more unfortunate attention to the whole saga, a few more posts 
with GET A LIFE! as the subject and the like
and/or a couple of private notes of support to Sal might have been useful to express 
the general note.

Gabe - who keeps finding ever-more-creative ways to screw up orders. I try to learn 
from my mistakes and not repeat them (more once
or twice), but I do seem to be an unfortunate ability to come up with new ones all the 
time ... (:-) However, when "stuff" happens I
try to fix it at my expense, as soon as possible, and so far I've been able to placate 
most everybody.

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