Yep moved up over 30 points from previous years, got to see the best RC sailplaine pilots in the, super weather, made all my times, partied with awesome friends, slept with Dr Dan in his motor home, got to hang with Vlad and Barry K of Graphite/Organic fame, was wowed by everything Artie did during the contest, and after with his giant rockets, witnessed the most amazingly organized contest in the USA, and participated in the most prestigious RC soaring contest in the world.
And got to see a 13 year old champion max flight times and hit bullseyes with an Alcyone, his score was well past most of the seniors.
A few times guys passed by and said "You have to write about this one!"...and my reply was simply, "What words could describe this RC soaring moment of paradise?".

Wish you all could have been there.
JW, Tom Akers, Pat D, JW, Ben Clerx, Gordon J, Dave Z, Larry Jolly, DP, Sage, Joy, Skip, Joe R, Tom Copp....all the great stick names showed and shared their skills and friendship.
Who got in the top ten?...those guys who made their times and landings.
The top 50?  Like me made their times but missed some landings.
The rest?  They tried, got caught late in the day by a short but brutal hour of sink..and missed some landings. "Pac Man" ate his share of landing attempts!
Carnage?  One RES folded a wing.  Friday radio shoot downs....ZERO...thanks to a simply 'put your card up' Freq board.
The dinner?  BBQ Chicken and Prime Rib....excellent and plenty.
The grass?  DEEP and dark green.
Vendors... YES!
Great deals on 2nd hand sailplanes?  Bunches of incredible Molded and Bagged sailplanes found new homes for nearly half new prices.
Planes of note: Compulsions...lots of them made their partners very happy. NYX's..lots of them.  Pike Superiors, yep, a new Mueller Escape X Tail...YES.  Graphites, gorgeous, amazing performer, Tragis, Icons, Sharons, heck everything. and a bunch of AVA's too.
Joe flew Icon and Image. Daryl flew Fusion
Full size low passes....doesn't describe the reality of the buzz passes, but the most amazing was a sneek attack from a huge motor glider, that came in virtually at flag pole height motor was the whisper sound of a breeze coming then..WOW!.  DP zoomed past in his Glasair and that Twin Piper came past with both engines screaming.
Most humorous air display?  A big aerobatic electric plane towing a blow up, naked love doll!  She caused almost the ship to crash but the pilot managed a smooth landing which ended in her being drugged down the  winch lines :-)
The Saturday nite DHLG 'All up, Last down' mass launch ended up in a fly off tie between Artie and JW.
It was a very good day to fly...every day.
Off to Kentucky

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