At 07:37 PM 6/26/00 -0400, Ben Diss wrote:
>Thanks for all the comments and suggestions.
>One thing came up often in the replies.  Most people question the use of 
>such a small servo in such a big plane.  The Escape has a very small outer 
>aileron.  The dimensions are 9.5" x 1.25".  According to servo calc, if I 
>fly the plane at 100mph I only need 6 oz/in. torque for full 
>deflection.  So, I think that the 16 oz/in of the HS-55 or 17 oz/in of the 
>JR241 should be enough power.
>Any comment on the HS-55 vs. JR241?

A good question to ask then is, what is the most precise micro servo?
JR has a good reputation.

Future escape owners want to know.

Steve Meyer

S.O.A.R. Web Page

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