Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:34:28 -0500
From: Chuck Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cheap Modelers

> While I am in a complaining mood, I find the modern model magazines to
> be far less useful and harder to read than they used to be.  My
> collection of MAN and Flying Models go back to 1948 and I have every
> issue of Model Aviation, Model Builder, and RCM going back to the first
> issue so I know from experience.  I built a lot of my early RC equipment
> from the pages of Air Trails and MAN.  Today's magazines are printed on
> glossy paper that is hard to read because of the glare and filled with
> color pictures that provide little useful technical information.  Give
> me a magazine printed on glare proof paper containing good technical
> information and proper drawings.  Model Builder was all of this and was
> the best model magazine of the last 50 years.  I miss Model Builder.
> Today's magazines are filled with "purty pichers " for today's
> illiterate generation.
> Chuck Anderson
> P.S.  RCSE is not printed on glossy papers and has no "purty pichers' so
> it can't be for the illiterate generation.

Ai, yi yi. Old people and their pet prejudices.

It's a favorite aphorism to say that, because you don't understand
something, it's stupid. Visual data is more efficient by far at describing
phisical objects than are words alone; that is, the information is denser.
That's why there are blueprints. So gain some visual literacy, you.

Think pictures are for the stupid? Pick up an issue of Wired or Mondo2000
from about 10 years ago. Chew though that with your black and white, 2d
brain, you old codger.

Do you paint your planes? Why or why not? What shape are those tailplanes?
How come?

Here, go read a book. Watch out, it's got pictures in it:

Oh, here's one that's almost all pictures. I hope you can keep up.

Magazines have picures because they explain things well. Most magazines
don't have appropriate pictures, or forget why there are pictures and just
consider them filler. But I seem to remember that that happens with words,

You're doing a spectacular job of putting off any young blood by insulting
an entire generation just because of your lexical mind. There's nothing
wrong with thinking lexically; but we're not all just like you, and thank
god, because it would be a pretty dull place if we all thought the same

I subscribe to RCSD. I like the articles. I don't like the pictures. I
think they're even worse than budget requires, and there's some beautiful
material to work with. I'm a graphic designer, and I've worked with
xerox-budget things a lot. While the pics are a weakness, the mag is still
worth $2.50, easy.

Have I written an article? No. I've only been at this for a couple of
years, and I haven't really felt like I had much to add until very
recently. But there just might wind up being an article or two on
composite construction by me in the near future, thanks to some RCSE folks
who helped me understand what was otherwise under-compiled.

See? I can use words.


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