The Jeti brushless sensorless ESC used with a 4.4:1 gearbox spells trouble.
The Jeti ESC starts extremely abrubtly, frequently aborts the start (with a
jerk), and stops just as abruptly.    There's a big thread, with lots of
info, on this subject in the E Zone Saiplanes discussion forum (Guess who
started that thread?).

Basically, if you are using Aeronaut set screw type yokes, and if you don't
care to Loctite that yoke to the gearbox shaft, you really ought to look at
other controllers for brushless, sensorless geared setups.  Aveox just
released one.  Castlerc will be releasing some in the next couple of months.
And of course there are the Euro sensorless controllers.

I don't yet have experience with other types of prop attachments in
conjunction with the Jeti brushless sensorless ESC in geared systems, so
that's why I am keeping my comments specific to the Aeronaut set screw

Tim Green
Madison, Ohio

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