Hi all.  
 SOSS, Southern Oregon Soaring Society, has just completed their Nov. and
maybe last contest of the year.
 Set up temp. today in Medford, OR was 31 degrees.  We flew 4 rounds of
International Duration, 5-7-5-10, first two rounds were not bad in that the
scheduled flight times were reduced by 2 minutes each, from the announced
flight times.  The Sun came out, so we went with the announced times for the
last two rounds.
 In the 10:00 minutes two actually made their times and with landing points.
 We started with 7 entries, one encountered a tree in the first round,
during landing set up, and DNF.
 We will try a Dec. contest if the weather holds, we are keeping our fingers

 Planes entered, today, 2-Millimunms, 1-Bird of Prey, 1-KA-6 foamy, 1-Bird
of Time, 1-club trainer plane, and 1-7pack electric with a timed launch
period, and he, John Slatea was the winner of the contest.  Launches was not
a problem, he is good flyer, and scored on all landings.

 Was a good contest as bad as the day started out.

 Jerry Miller
 SOSS-Medford, OR

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