So it's nose heavy : )
What's your CG at?  I've heard a lot of different ones from 92 to 108.  I'm easing my way back and am at 98.  Haven't noticed a lot of flying difference in the 94 - 98 range (Did move the tow hook back a tiny bit).  It's hard to tell the best set up for landing yet. 
Anyone with it way back?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Supra #42

 Are you trying to set something up so guys will bail off the waiting list for the Supra, and you will then get yours sooner? What a schemer!  By the way Arend told me he thought my Supra was "Nose Heavy"., Browning almost keeled over , he has flown it too! Best Regards Larry
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 17:06:17 EST
Subject: [RCSE] Supra #42

If this is an isolated problem then it appears to me that Vladmir should step up with a replacement fuse for Don.  It's really tough to tell a whole lot from pictures, but it does not look like this one was very well bonded and could have just been a fluke.
Hi guys!
I've passed your feelings along to Vladimir, pretty sure he was wondering what you thought he should do (you know the right thing), but I'm not sure that 'step up' translates into Ukraine.  I have his address in case you are forming up a lynch mob. :-)
Funny Vlad went from a hero to a bum in less than 24 hours and he don't even know it :-)
Last I read, Don Richmond asked for ideas on how to fix his fuse, not suggestions about what to tell Vladimir....but now he has some thoughts on that idea too:-)
Here's Vladimir's address if you have some suggestions or ideas on how to change the fuse, the mold the layup or the resin, likely he would be happy to hear them. :-)

Tell him I sent you :-)

In the mean time what you are flying this season ?
Giant, Superior, Sharon, and yep carbon Supras :-)
oops sounds pretty Perfect too :-)

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