I want to thank the dad of the visitor from the San Diego area who was flying at Vollmer Peak in Berkeley, California this morning. Not only did you make it possible for me to fly by doing an excellent job of launching my 3M Synergy 91 into what the records show to have been a 48mph gust on a day with steady winds at 28mph. you also made it possible for me to fly another day by pointing out the tree I clipped on my landing approach and the likely spot where the plane might be found. You were absolutely right on!!

The retrieval was relatively straightforward but I did have to give it some thought. How much was it worth to me, I wondered, to get an absolutely certain case of poison oak rash? I discounted the possibility that the local venomous snake population was active yet even though temperatures had been in the '70's. I knew however, that I would have to make my way through a serious thicket of "broom" without a machete and the likelihood of my falling a way down the slope was real, as well, and making it back up without doing any further damage to the model was going to be a problem.

All went well, however, and I hope the "TekNu" treatment will ward off the rash.

Next time I will follow one of the mantra of my mentor, Martin, and "ballast, ballast, ballast". Had I done so, I think I might have made the landing without having been blown into the tree on final approach.

Anyway, thanks to the anonymous spotter. My bad for failing to introduce myself other than to ask if it was OK to turn on Channel 38...and failing to get your name (and your dad's) in return.

Dave Nasatir
In Berkeley, California
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