I had a great weekend in Chicago. After a grueling drive through Chicago traffic Steve Siebenaler and I arrived at the practice field about 3 in the afternoon. 10K cross country attempt by Jack Strother in progress, Jim Bacus and Steve Meyer had just finished their 2K. The boys got me in the air and in the back of a pickup in a jiffy. Henry Bostick at the wheel and Jim McCarthy coaching. Made the 2K without much altitude to spare, but with Jim's confident voice assuring me we had it made. Back at the field the air was great and Bacus had me in the air to finish my level IV one hour. Jim flew most of the hour with his Icon along side me to scout lift, Steve Siebenaler joined in at the end; big lift- good friends. Thanks to all for a very memorable day of soaring. The help from friends and teamwork makes this hobby all the more rewarding.

The SOAR guys get high marks for a very well run contest. 8 first class winches on the line, all restrung with new line. Not a single line break all weekend. Beautiful park setting to fly in. The contest was smoothly run by Tom Kallevang and other SOAR members. Couldn't ask for a better contest. Seeded man on man is fun, fair, and an adventure to the last round. Great weather, tricky air, but great fun. Thanks to Jack Strother and Steve Siebenaler for helping me find air and timing. Thanks to Jim McCarthy and his wife for their hospitality on Saturday.

Barry Andersen
Cincinnati Soaring Society

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