in your message you said:

>Can you tell me more about how you finally set it up?
>My 2M KW was a beautiful and ungainly thing, flew like a drunken
>albatross, until I finally added homemade "autoyaw" winglets.  Then it
>like a slightly less drunken albatross.  My Mongo Jr. built a whole lot
>faster, flys better and bounces.
>I look forward to pictures and will be glad to try to dig
>information for you out of my jumbeled pile of old plans.

OK, I meant elevons, not elevator. It sounds like yours was a different
beast, don't bother digging. I know Rollin K. made at least three
different models.

I have the 100 inch KW with the autoyaw winglets.  It has elevons, and
flaps at the root of the wing. I'm assuming that when I hit the flap
switch, and the flaps go down, the elevons should go up somewhat. I'm
on the quest for that magic percentage number.

Anyway, like you and so many others, I have a fixation with flying
wings. They're just so... wrong.

I have an AGR 60" whiplash flying wing with RDS thingies used instead
of control horns. It makes for a very clean wing, and one less thing to
bend. When I land it I pretty much plop it down. I fly my digital
camera from this and use it for my hike/bike escapades. I like the
mongo jr , but for my needs, a bit big. 

Why did I get a 100" KW? Not sure, but impulse had something to do with
it. I put so many hours into building the beast, and want to make sure
the first flight isn't my last. So without further a-doo (sp?) I'll
restate my question to the exchange:

1. How much flap
2. How much elevon

Thanks in advance.

P.S Tom-
Last time you described the flight of your 2m Klingberg wing as that of
a galloping giraffe- just to referesh your memory;)

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