Well another of Merrill Bradys (sp) XC fun fly's is in the history books.

I saw some very interesting birds there.  The aircraft ran the gamit from modified
Paragones to custom built glassies and everything in between.  I saw one scalie
flying via aerotow and he seemed to be skied out most of the day.  

The lift was slow in building.  By 10:00 a.m. the turkey farm was starting to
light off but by then  the wind was also picking up.  I saw a couple of people
come back with the level four goal and return under their belt.  I was shooting
for my level five 10k but never could get above 2000 ft in order to give me
a fighting chance to get from one thermal to another.  They seemed to be about
3 miles apart and with the wind now up at 12-15 kts.  I just putted around listening
to my newly acquired sniffer trying to get used to what it was telling me. 

At two thousand ft. I can seen my unlimited ship quite well but at three K the
stab is very hard to see and while flying in a straight line I can not tell
if the aircraft is climbing or diving.  I hoping the sniffer will tell me that.

It seemed that everyone had a pretty good time.  The hamburgers and hot dogs
were dynomite and we managed to mop up most of the fixens.  

Buy the time lunch was over the wind was now at 15 and building so most of the
folks were packing it up.  A few people were still playing around but it was
not to be one of those hat sucker days when small vehicles have to be chained

My thanks go out to Merrill his crew and co sponsors for a fun and interesting
day.  I just wish that there was more activity in XC.  I guess I'll see what
I can do about that.

Back on my home turf in Cal City the noon ballon was early on Sunday morning.
 Around 9:00 am.  She went up and stayed up until we were out of airplanes and
winch/retriever batteries.  

Our ten k course runs cross wind instead of up/down wind and is pretty much
a straight line once you get to the road.

Anyone interested in making their 3,4,5 level G/R's drop me a line and we'll
get you set up. We fly from manicured grass.  

Regards, Perry
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