
Some other DBMS such as Postgres and SQL-Server implement the functions
"left" and "right". SQLite does not. But why do I get confusing error
messages when I (mistakenly) attempt to use them?

To illustrate my point:

select foo('abc', 2)
Error: no such function: foo

select left('abc', 2)
Error: near "(": syntax error

select right('abc', 2)
Error: near "(": syntax error

In the 2nd and 3rd cases I would expect a "no such function" error. The
"syntax error" messages are slightly misleading, they lead the user to
think that he has forgotten a parenthesis or a comma somewhere in the query.

As for "left", it's maybe due to the ambiguity with "left join", but then
what about "right"? (There is no ambiguity with "right join" since it is
not supported.)

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