I'm putting together a quick proof-of-concept application to explore the use of 
System.Data.SQLite for applications running on Windows Mobile 6.1 using .NET 
Compact Framework 3.5.

As long as I put the data access logic in the application, and make sure that 
System.Data.SqLite.dll and SqlLite.Interop.099.dll are located in the root of 
the project directory, everything works.  As soon as I stray away from this 
kind of organization, things start to break.

For example if I try to store the two dll files in a subfolder, I get the 
following error:

System.MissingMethodException was unhandled
  Message="Can't find PInvoke DLL 'SQLite.Interop.099.dll'."

Only moving them back to the project root, or manually copying both files 
post-build, will work.

This is problematic but would be easy enough to work around if necessary.  
However we would normally maintain any data access logic in a separate project, 
and reference the DLL from the application.  This does not seem to work at all 
regardless of how I organize the files, or whether I copy them all to the same 
directory post-build.  In both cases (application or reference project) the two 
DLL files are set as "Content" and "Copy always".

I get a completely different exception:

System.MissingMethodException was unhandled
  Message="File or assembly name 'System.Data, Version=, 
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089', or one of its dependencies, 
was not found."

I would appreciate any insight that anyone can offer into this.

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