On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 12:08:40PM -0700, George Georgalis wrote:
> On Mon 07 Jun 2010 at 05:07:43 PM +0200, Kees Nuyt wrote:
> >
> >That could be implemented as an appication with a set of
> >virtual tables, backed by the readdir() and stat() system
> >calls.
> >I haven't heard of any implementation, although fossil
> >http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/tip/www/index.wiki
> >has a few routines which might be interesting.
> Interesting approach. I've never heard of virtual tables.
> Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the backend of
> generating indices or optimizing db queries either. But I
> see what you are getting at, maybe I can work it out.
> Fossil, looks interesting too. I'm adding it to my library of
> resources on this project.

NetBSD users interested in fossil may be interested to see the following links 
pertaining to fossil's relationship w/ NetBSD:

and fossil in pkgsrc @ pkgsrc/devel/fossil

> If it's not clear, I want to do development on top of such an
> application. The key goal here is to address data sprawl. Duplicate
> files on multiple (offline) disks, S3 like resources and no index
> for 5 year old (or 1 month) data. I'm looking to index, merge and
> purge duplicate data; and be able to opportunistically build indices
> and run transactions while media is transiently online.
> So, something that barely works---builds indexes from fs data,
> supports rudimentary queries and generates filesystem manipulation
> commands is my first goal. I'll use it to discover duplicates and
> organize files. I'm sure this project will evolve considerably.
> >I know Microsoft does (or tries to do) something similar,
> >perhaps MSDN is of any help?
> The only microsoft system I have is a multimedia player. Not sure
> how I could roll their products into my developments....
> Thanks,
> Cheers,
> George

Brad Harder
Method Logic Digital Consulting

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