
I'm not sure whether this is the correct mailing list. Anyway, I found two
improvement points in the SQLite documentation:

1. On http://www.sqlite.org/sharedcache.html section 5.0 is says:

"Shared-cache mode is enabled on a per-process basis. Using the C
interface, the following API can be used to enable or disable shared-cache
mode for the calling thread:"

Notice how the first sentence talks about "per-process" while the second
sentence talks about "the calling thread". I'm guessing this is a left-over
from before 3.5.0.

2. In the description of "sqlite3_enable_shared_cache" (
http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/enable_shared_cache.html) it should be
mentioned whether this function is thread-safe or not.

Best regards
sqlite-users mailing list

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