Hello all,
My name is Mike "Mogo" McGonagle. I found SQLite about 3 months ago, and
have beeen hooked ever since.

As I am interested in using SQL in a multimedia environment, I have been
working on connecting SQLite up with the data-flow/graphical programming
language Pure Data. ( https://puredata.info ) Currently, everything is
working fine, and I am able to execute pretty much any SQL statement that I
have used so far. And while it is functional, it is still very much a
work-in-progress, and will be subject to change based on a better idea that
comes along. I use the Amalgamated source for SQLite3, and embed the engine
right into the object file.

My question pretty much involves what might be the best means of interfacing
SQLite with such a language. Pure Data is very similar to Max/MSP and jMax.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone on their ideas for this sort of

If you are interested in testing what I have done, you can download the
stuff from ( http://puredata.info/Members/mjmogo/ ) and get the
Version 0.01archive.


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