> sqlite-amalgamation-3_6_16.zip
> win32
> msvc 2008 sp1
> func sqlite3_open_v2() is called with 'flag' param = SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX
> in sqlite3_initialize() func winMutexInit() is indirectly called three
> times:
>   1) in sqlite3MutexInit()
>   2) in sqlite3PcacheInitialize()
>   3) in sqlite3_os_init() (in func sqlite3_vfs_register())
> so var winMutex_lock == 3
> in sqlite3_shutdown() functions
>   sqlite3PcacheShutdown()
>   sqlite3_os_end()
>   sqlite3MutexEnd()
> are called, but sqlite3PcacheShutdown() and sqlite3_os_end() do not
> decrement var winMutex_lock
> so when sqlite3MutexEnd() is called the var winMutex is still == 3, and
> mutexes are not destroyed

Did you ever resolve this?

Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead
(o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612, www.harris.com

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