Hi to everyone.This is my first post to the sqlite-users postlist so i am
sorry if i don't respect some rule.
My question is about the sqlite3_exec() function.I have the following code :

typedef struct _object object;

int main()
    /* ... */
    my_object    *object;
    object           =(my_object*) malloc (my_object);
    /* ... */

int get_db(my_object *object)
    int          result;
    char       *sql_statement;

     /*Open the sqlite3 database and prepare the SQL command*/

    result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql_statement, db_callback, (void*)object,

    if( result!=SQLITE_OK ){...}
    return 0;

int db_callback(void* object,int n_columns,char** column_text,char**

    object->name = strdup(column_text[2]);

    return 0;

And the message that i get from GCC is :

file.c: 105:28: warning: pointer dereference 'void *'
file.c: 105:28: error: request for member 'users_db_filename' in something
not u
na structure or union

When i searched for this type of error i get that one of the causes is the
use of "." operator instead of the "->" when trying to acces a pointer to a
struct,but i don't think this is the case,right ?
Thanks in advance for your time and i apology for any errors.
Greetings from Spain
Bogdan Gochev
sqlite-users mailing list

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