
> From: P Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com>

> You did say in your original post that you are, "a starter on SQL /
> SQLite and there is some problem (you would) solve in software but
> (you) have the feeling this can be done using a query. If somebody can
> help (you) out (you would) be glad - (you) have the feeling there is
> something to learn for (you) here."
> Here is the thing 1: Simon, or anyone's advice on this list, is free.
> The most you should do with it if you disagree with it, unless the
> person is being downright abusive, is to ignore it.

I should have done that and deeply regret being carried away.

> Simon's advice, on the other hand, was actually very good.

No. He was stating the obvious.

> Thing 2: Your schema, even if we know nothing about your problem,
> demonstrates issues that could bite you in the butt later on. First,
> instead of having a composite PK made of 5 columns, you would really
> be better off adding a new INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. Life will become
> easier on all fronts.

Although being a starter in SQL I figured that out myself. Funny
side-note: the schema is not about to change. I'm not to decide about
If I get the time to re-design that piece of code I have to maintain
here I'll happily change the schema first. But it's not the time now.

> Thing 3: If we really have no idea what your situation/problem is,
> perhaps you should educate us so we can answer you better. If you ask
> us something, but hide/obfuscate part of the problem, then it wastes
> everyone's time.

I never intended to hide/obfuscate anything. What I posted so far
about the database/table/schema might not have been in the correct
wording right from the start but nonetheless it was correct.
Only thing I come to think about now is that I should have stressed
that changing the schema is not an option.

> This is a nice list. Let's keep it that way please.

Will do.

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