
Could somebody suggest an index(es) I could add to my sqlite v3 (REAL SQL database) to make this SELECT faster?

SELECT date_trans, t.description, c.CategoryAbsolutePath, GST, total, TransID, HasSplitTrans, t.categoryID, t.Currency, t.locked FROM Transn t LEFT OUTER JOIN Category c on c.CategoryID=t.categoryID and AcctID in (12) and t.categoryID in (261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269) ORDER BY date_trans

CREATE TABLE Category (CatParent Integer, Description varchar, CategoryID integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CategoryAbsolutePath varchar, PRIMARY KEY(CategoryID));

CREATE TABLE Transn (GST double DEFAULT '0', AcctID integer, TransID integer NOT NULL, CategoryID integer, Total double DEFAULT '0', Description varchar, Date_Trans date, Notes varchar, NeedsAttention boolean DEFAULT 'False', Reconciled boolean DEFAULT 'False', GSTClaimed boolean DEFAULT 'False', HasSplitTrans boolean DEFAULT 'False', Currency varchar(10) DEFAULT 'AUD', CurrConverter float DEFAULT '1.00', ForeignCurrencyAmount double DEFAULT '0', locked boolean DEFAULT 'false', PRIMARY KEY(TransID));



Dr Gerard Hammond
MacSOS Solutions Pty Ltd
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.macsos.com.au

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