Hi, I like to subscribe to squid-dev.
I tried to subscribe at June 27 but got no response.


Marcus Kool

-------- Original Message --------
From: - Mon Jun 27 16:29:03 2011
Message-ID: <4e08d9fc.5060...@urlfilterdb.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 16:29:00 -0300
From: Marcus Kool <marcus.k...@urlfilterdb.com>
User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20110404)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: squid-dev@squid-cache.org
Subject: subscription

I am Marcus Kool, author of ufdbguardd, a URL filter for Squid
and author of a recent patch for Squid for Regular Expression Optimisation.
I am also writing a new URL filter based on ICAP and use Squid
for testing.

I like to be part of squid-dev.  The main reasons for wanting to join
squid-dev is to monitor issues with url_rewriter and ICAP and
to talk directly to the developers of Squid for questions regarding
the ICAP module.  I do not intend to write much code for the Squid



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