
We are using Sturts 1.0.1 with Tiles, and have come across an issue, which I will 
attempt to describe below:

Explanation of usage:

The application is run within OC4J latest release

we use a jsp file to include common page information, it also includes the following 
line at the head of the JSP, the idea being to make this common across all JSPS

<%@page buffer="64kb" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" errorPage="/error.jsp" %>

.. other common tiles definitions here, header menu bar, etc. ...

This JSP is then included at the head of an arbitary application page (called from an 
action), as so:

<%@ include file="/layout/tiles-defs.jsp" %>

... other tiles inserts and puts for this page ...

... main page html - combination of logic:iterate, etc. ...

Explanation of Issue:

It appears that when the buffer (as defined above) becomes full, something causes a 
ServletException, the message is shown below:

 [ServletException in:/layout/default.jsp] null'

default.jsp is just a jsp with basic default info.

i.e. <haed> definitions and <body> definition

If the buffer attribute is removed the servlet exception happens immeadiately after 
the inclusion of the tiles-defs.jsp (that renders correctly).

Increasing the buffer size works for larger pages, but we are up to a buffer of 512kb 
and this really does not seem right, as the HTML produced is no way even near that 

I would like to point out that the same page without any tiles "bits" works perfectly.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of error?

Many Thanks

Gareth Floodgate

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