You guys are amazing--next month will be my first complete year with
TM--without the great support I have from friends and family I would have
pulled the trigger already.  I can't see myself getting used to being wheel
chair bound.

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Neil McNeil <> wrote:

>  It’s been a long time since I have posted to the list but today is
> special so I decided to drop by and say hello. Feb 4th is my 10thanniversary 
> of TM. It’s hard to believe that ten years have passed and I
> like to say that time flies when you can feel your toes!
> As crazy as it sounds there are worse things than getting TM. Over the past
> ten years I have gained an appreciation for many things as a result of TM.
> I’m so glad to live in a country where my medical care was provided free of
> charge and I didn’t have to fight with HMO’s or sell my house to deal with
> medical bills. I’m glad I have been able to work and I’m so pleased to have
> met some wonderful people who got dealt the same hand and made the most of
> it.
> My theory remains that we don’t come with a warranty and there is no sense
> in bitching and whining about what happens. When I first got TM I asked my
> neurologist “why me?” He replied “it has to be someone”. I thought that
> answer was brilliant. Someone wins the lottery and someone gets hit by
> lightning. Ten years ago I made a decision that I was going to make the most
> of things and I’m glad I did.
> So…hello again to those of you who have been here for a long time and
> also to those who are new. Hang in there and keep trying to wiggle those
> toes….it pays off!
> Neil
> (In NS)

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