To My TM  Family,
                         Merry  Christmas
"May the  Lord bless you and make His face shine upon you and grant you  
I hope  that this finds you all well and in good  spirits.   
It's  been a long, long time since I have been in touch.  I have no excuse, 
 except that I have been spending a lot of time on Facebook.  It is so  
easy to get caught up in all of the statements, comments, sharing, and  posting 
that I let TMIC go by the wayside.
Who is  still posting here?   How have you been?   What have you  been up 
to and where have you been lately?  What have the latest TMIC  topics been?  
What are you posting about now?
I  have  been nursing a leg that is fractured above the knee.  The  bones 
are infected and necrotic so the only option I face is having it  amputated.  
The surgery is scheduled for January 18th.  It will  be a long, drawn out 
surgery of 8 hours or more.  I will be in the  hospital for about a week, and 
after will have a 4-5 week nursing home  stay. 
So, Dave  and I are planning on a quiet Christmas and unless people come to 
us, will  spend the day by ourselves.  One of my nieces and her family 
lives  within driving distance so maybe we will see them.  Usually, we  travel 
to see them.  It will be interesting to see if they make the  trip our way.
So much  for now,
Love  & Hugs,
Judy  Hoops, in MI.

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