I'm new to this list and wanted to do a quick introduction. I am Anna Moses
and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. My daughter was ill with ADEM about 3
years ago and is still recovering. She was up to the point of walking some
with quad canes, but had surgery for scoliosis in October and is back in the
wheelchair 98% of the time. She seems to have lost the hope of walking and
only tries to walk when she goes to physical therapy. She seems to have a
good attitude for the most part, but just doesn't seem to want to spend the
time trying to walk. She is 14 now and has the typical teenager attitudes. I
get very frustrated with her and with myself. I try to live my life with a
good attitude, but sometimes it all gets to me. My daughter's illness has
really affected our whole family.


John's story really touched me. You must have been really frightened when you
woke up and couldn't walk. I remember that moment clearly with my daughter.
She had been to the hospital and had been diagnosed with spinal meningitis
and sent home after a short stay. She was sleeping with me since she was ill.
She got up early in the morning to go to the bathroom and couldn't walk. I
tried to help her to the bathroom, but we both ended up on the floor. She
looked at me and said, "Mom, what's happening to me?" My husband rushed her
to the ER while I got my son up and off to Grannie's. She spent 10 days in
ICU, most of it unconscious and another 6 weeks in the hospital getting to
the point where she could feed herself and sit up in a wheelchair. She was on
steroids, so didn't look like herself for several months. It was a scary time
for her and for us.


Thanks to John and others for sharing their stories.


Are there any parents out there with children that have been ill with ADEM or


Anna Moses

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